Tuesday 25 June 2013

Points to ponder

Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, buy you know he will strangle you with his panic.
--The dairy of Anais Nin,

The task of a leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. The public does not fully understand the world into which it is going. Leaders must invoke an alchemy of great vision. Those leaders who do not are ultimately judged failures, even though they may be popular at the moment.
--Hugh sidey in time.

The only decent government is government by a body of men and women, but if only one sex must govern, then i should say, let it be women -- put the men out!
Such an enormous amount of work done is of the nature of national housekeeping that obviously women should have a hand in it.
--Bernard shaw

And this is the way to educate children: the instinctive way of mothers. There should be no effort made to teach children to think, to have ideas. Only to lift them and urge them into dynamic activity. The voice of dynamic sound, not the words of understanding. Damn understanding. Gestures, and touch, and expression of the face, not theory. Never have ideas about children--and never have ideas for them.
--D.H. Lawrence

The chinese have a story based on three or four thousand years of civilization. Two chinese coolies were arguing heatedly in the midst of a crowd. A stranger expressed surprise that no blows were being struck. His chinese friend replied, "The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out."
--Franklin D.Roosevelt

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Innocence of a 9 year old vs complex brain of father.

When I managed an Electrical Company, I instituted a rule that there would be no playing games on the company's computers.
To ensure I wouldn't be labelled a hypocrite,
I had an information technologist get rid of the games on my laptop.
Therefore, I was surprised to find my grandson playing solitaire on it one weekend.
I asked if he had loaded the game.
"No," he answered, 'it was already there. It was just hidden - taken off the main menu."
On Monday morning, I chided our information technologist for not getting rid of the game as I'd asked.
"But," he explained,
"I thought I just had to keep it away from you - not from a nine-year-old!".

A child's brain works wonders, when it is still very calm. 
Unlike us adults, we have a very busy mind. =)
Have a great wednesday !!

Sunday 26 May 2013

Fifth and Sixth Secrets for a Happy Marriage.

Hello Guys, great day, school holiday means no jam. Wahahaha.

Anyway, i believe i owe you guys the fifth and sixth secret.

Learn to compromise

The fifth secret speaks for itself!.
Compromise means you recognize that there are two (or more) sides to every issue.
Do not be one sided, try to make it a win-win situation, don't be so selfish.

Practice the art of appreciation

The six secret speaks for itself too!
Make an effort to show your appreciation whenever your partner does something for you.
Even a simple "Thank You, Dear" is sufficient enough. 
Don't take them for granted.

I Hope all those who are in a relationship will continue to be a loving couple.
For those singles, don't give up hope! =D

Have a great monday!

Thursday 23 May 2013

Fourth Secret for a happy Marriage

Take responsibility

This is quite straight forward. There is no secret in this.
In any disagreement with your partner, you are not going to change your partner at all. The only person you can really change is yourself.

There was a story;
A man once said, "I have prayed about my wife's drinking problem."
Then another man asked "Has she stopped drinking then?"
"No" he said, "But i have stopped nagging her. I have found patience. And someday I think she will change."

A wise person once said, "prayer doesn't necessarily change things for you, but it changes you for things".

 You are responsible to your partner, so be responsible.

Have a great day ahead! =D
Tomorrow is a holiday! haha.

Third Secret for a Happy Marriage!

Learn how to defer gratification

The requires self control and patience. Married couples must have a vision for the greater good, do not be too short sighted. Couples must forego immediate pleasure in order to obtain a greater benefit in the foreseeable future.
Some people do not have plans for the future, and always wants to live in the moment, which could be damaging to a marriages, they do not save money and many other things.
They are too interested in having their pleasure or their recreation right now.

Defer : put off to a later time (postpone)
Gratification : is the pleasurable emotional reaction of happiness in response to a fulfillment of a desire or goal.

Source of the meaning of the words are from wiki.

Haha, anyway, have a nice day ahead !! =D