Tuesday 19 March 2013

Marriage !!

The tearful young woman complained to her doctor that her marriage was going down the drain. 
"When we were newlyweds," She cried,
"It was pure madness. He would grab me around the waist, spin me around the room, knock over the furniture, rip the tablecloth off the dinning room table with all the dishes on it, then kiss me passionately on top of the bare table. Now there's nothing.!"
The doctor was sympathetic.
"Take these pills" he said,
"And put them in your husband's morning coffee, They'll solve all your problems. And let me know how things go."
A week later the doctor discovered to his horror that he had given the patient triple-strength pills. 
But he was pleasantly surprised when she walked in beaming and told him,
"Everything's just wonderful!. The hugging, the spinning, the chairs flying, the tablecloth, the dishes on the floor, the kissing -- it's been glorious!".
The doctor was pleased, but he felt guilty about over-prescribing. He confessed what he had done, then asked,
"Can I at least pay for the dishes?"
"By no means," she said.
"Besides, I don't think they will let us in that restaurant again anyway."

Submitted by Wong.

Hahahaha...overdose! If only there is such drugs!

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